Zip, Zilch and

May 1, 2011


That – nothing – was almost what you got for today’s A-Z Blogging Challenge chez Unconventional Wisdom.

You see, it’s been a long day, spent almost entirely away from home and thus not at a device from whence a post could fly out upon the Interwebs (reading that sentence should give you some idea of how tired and punchy I am at present).

We were up early to get ready for a trip into Toronto for the Downtown Knit Collective‘s 2011 Knitter’s Frolic – my wife K has just published a new knitting pattern for a beaded shawl called Hana-bi (Japanese for fireworks) and it was making it’s first public appearance in printed form (as well as having on display a couple of samples she had knitted) at the booth for Shall We Knit?, a yarn store owned by a friend of ours.  The pattern was also put up for sale on PatternFish yesterday as a downloadable PDF.

Anyway, we spent the day at the Frolic, checking out the vendors in the Marketplace, making useful connections with some and getting K some yarn for future pattern design projects, as well as putting in a couple of hours volunteering at the yarn winding table (knitters could donate money towards the Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life fundraiser in exchange for having skeins of yarn they’d bought from vendors in the Marketplace wound by volunteers into balls on ball winders and swifts – yes, I know a lot about knitting for someone who doesn’t actually knit).  At the end of the show, we helped the Shall We Knit? crew pack up their wares and load them into the trailer for the return trip to the shop – which has moved now from New Hamburg to Waterloo.

So, a good day, an enjoyable day and most definitely a tiring day.  By the time we finished with loading the trailer, got something for dinner and drove back home it was quite late in the evening by the time I could sit down to write.  My apologies for a somewhat rambling and not terribly focused account of our day, but I hope you’ll agree that something is better than nada, or zip or zilch for that matter (er, you do know that today is the final day of the A-Z Blogging Challenge, and thus the letter of the day is “Z”?).