Because a meme is a terrible thing to waste – Six Random Things About Me

August 24, 2008

Been tagged for the “Six Random Things About Me” meme by the lovely and talented Daryl Cognito of the curiously entertaining Atomic Suburbia podcast. See down below for The Rules Of The Meme.

  1. Many years ago, I was young and foolish. Now, I’m no longer young.
  2. Despite no longer being young, people often think I’m much younger than I actually am, although they seldom think I am less foolish.
  3. I believe that beer is nature’s most nearly perfect food, with pizza a very close second.
  4. Approximately 9% of my life to date was spent living and working in France.
  5. Sports that I have engaged in moderately seriously during my life include alpine skiing, bicycling, archery and windsurfing; of these I still bicycle occasionally and practice archery a bit.
  6. I saw “2001: A Space Odyssey” presented in 70 mm Cinerama on a curved screen at the Glendale Cinerama (reserved seating no less, like a stage show) when it was in first-run theatrical release.

And, as promised, The Rules Of The Meme:

1. Link to the person who tagged you. (Check)
2. Post the rules on the blog. (Check)
3. Write six random things about yourself. (Check)
4. Tag six people at the end of your post. (Check)
5. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. (To be done when this is posted)
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.  (Idem)

I’ve linked to my tagger, Daryl Cognito, at the top of the post. My taggees are:

  1. Maureen Blaseckie, of the most excellent Baba’s Beach Podcast
  2. Cat, who puts out the wonderful CatFish Show podcast with her husband Bob Goyetche
  3. Bruce Murray (nicest guy in podcasting), of the Zedcast podcast
  4. The Scarborough Dude, of the one-and-only DiscksnJanes podcast
  5. John Meadows, of the quietly brilliant On The Log podcast
  6. Sage Tyrtle, of the awesome QN Podcast (formerly Quirky Nomads)

Phew!  Done…  now to post and notify the victims, er, 6 people I would like to know 6 random things about.